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Date | GDP at Market Prices (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Petroleum (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Non Petroleum (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Agriculture (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Manufacturing (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Electricity and Water (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Construction (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Distribution (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Hotels and Guest Houses (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Transport (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Finance (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Government (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Education (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Market Prices - Personal Services (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Constant 2000 Prices (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Petroleum (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Non Petroleum (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Agriculture (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Manufacturing (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Electricity and Water (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Construction (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Distribution (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Hotels and Guest Houses (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Transport (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Finance (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Government (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Education (TT$ Mn) | GDP at Contant 2000 Price - Personal Services (TT$ Mn) | Real GDP Growth - Total (%) | Real GDP Growth - Petroleum Sector (%) | Real GDP Growth - Non-Petroleum Sector (%) | Real GDP Growth - Agriculture (%) | Real GDP Growth - Manufacturing (%) | Real GDP Growth - Electricity and Water (%) | Real GDP Growth - Construction (%) | Real GDP Growth - Distribution (%) | Real GDP Growth - Hotels and Guest Houses (%) | Real GDP Growth - Transport (%) | Real GDP Growth - Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (%) | Real GDP Growth - Government (%) | Real GDP Growth - Education (%) | Real GDP Growth - Personal Services (%) |
*Data are sourced from the Central Statistical Office (CSO). In 2017 the CSO rebased its GDP from a 2000 to a 2012 base year. In addition the national accounts statistics were migrated to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 4 (ISIC. Rev 4). For latest data access the following link - https://www.central-bank.org.tt/statistics/data-centre/output-gdp-2012.