Board of Directors
The Central Bank Act provides for the appointment of a Board of Directors to manage the institution. Members of the Board are appointed by the President and comprise the Governor, not more than two Deputy Governors and no fewer than six other directors, two of whom may be from the Public Service. The two public service directors are to be drawn from the Ministry of Finance and from the Ministry (or appropriate Department of Government) responsible for economic planning. The other directors are selected from among persons drawn from diverse occupations and qualified by reason of their experience and capacity in matters relating to finance, economics, accountancy, industry, commerce, law and administration. The Board has specific statutory responsibilities in accordance with certain provisions of the Central Bank Act, Chap. 79:02 and other governing legislation.
The Governor is the Chief Executive Officer and is charged with the day-to-day management, administration, direction and control of the business of the Bank, with authority to act in all matters which are not specifically reserved for the Board.
The members of the Board of Directors are shown below:
Dr. Alvin Hilaire, Governor
Dr. Dorian Noel, Deputy Governor
Prof. Surendra Arjoon
Mr. Richard Duncan
Mr. Terrence Walker
Ms. Lorraine Ferguson
Mr. Kern Gardiner
Mrs. Suzette Taylor-Lee Chee
Mr. Joel Jack
Board Committees
The Board has appointed three committees, the Audit Committee, the Human Resource Committee and the Information Technology Committee, each consisting of only non-Executive directors. Each committee is governed by a Charter that sets out the roles, responsibilities and authorities of its members.
The Audit Committee is responsible for oversight of the Bank’s accounting and financial reporting processes, internal controls, internal and external audits, compliance and risk management.
The Human Resource Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for evaluating and approving the compensation policies and programmes of the Bank.
The Information Technology Committee is responsible for oversight of matters related to information technology and information security.
Internal Audit and Risk Management
The Bank has an established Operational Risk Framework and Programme which all Departments use to manage the risks and controls in their respective areas. The Internal Audit and Risk Departments monitor, assess and make recommendations about the control environments established by the various Departments to manage their risks. The Internal Audit Department also has a reporting line to the Audit Committee of the Board.