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Date | Central Government Debt Management Bills Issuances (TT$Mn) | Central Government Debt Management Bills Repayments (TT$Mn) | Central Government Debt Management Bills Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Bill Issuances (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Bill Repayments (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Bills Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Note Issuances (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Note Repayments (TT$Mn) | Central Government Open Market Treasury Notes Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Liquidity Absorption Bonds Issuances (TT$M) | Liquidity Absorption Bonds Repayments (TT$M) | Liquidity Absorption Bonds Outstanding (TT$M) | Total Sterilized Debt Outstanding (TT$M) | Central Government CLICO and HCU Zero-Coupon Bonds Allocations (TT$M) | Central Government CLICO and HCU Zero-Coupon Bonds Conversions and Redemptions (TT$M) | Central Government CLICO and HCU Zero-Coupon Bonds Outstanding (TT$M) | Central Government Domestic Bond Issuances for VAT Refunds (TT$M) | Central Government Domestic Repayments on VAT Refund Bonds (TT$M) | Central Government Domestic VAT Refund Bonds Outstanding (TT$M) | Central Government Domestic Bond Issues (TT$Mn) | Central Government Domestic Bond Repayments (TT$Mn) | Central Government Domestic Bonds Outstanding (TT$M) | Central Government Domestic Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government Total Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Disbursements (US$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Amortization (US$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Interest Payments (US$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Service (US$Mn) | Central Government External Debt Outstanding (US$Mn) | Central Government External Bilateral Debt Outstanding (US$Mn) | Central Government External Multilateral Debt Outstanding (US$Mn) | Central Government External Commercial Debt Outstanding (US$Mn) | Central Government External Bonds Outstanding (US$Mn) | Non Self-Serviced State-Owned Enterprise Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Non Self-Serviced Statutory Bodies Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Total Non-Self Serviced Guaranteed Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Self-Serviced Guaranteed Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | General Government Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Adjusted General Government Debt Outstanding (TT$Mn) | Central Government Domestic Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Central Government External Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Central Government Total Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Non-Self Serviced Guaranteed Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Self-Serviced Guaranteed Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | General Government Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Adjusted General Government Debt to GDP Ratio (%) | Central Government External Debt Service Ratio (%) |
Note: In September 2021, the Ministry of Finance adjusted its debt measurement framework to better align with international concepts. As a result, the traditional debt parameters “Gross Public Sector Debt” “Net Pubic Sector” and “Contingent Liabilities” have been replaced by “Total General Government Debt” “Adjusted General Government Debt” and “Non-Self-Serviced Guaranteed Debt”, respectively. Consequently, these traditional debt parameters will no longer be updated on the Central Bank’s Data Centre due to the adoption of the new debt parameters by the Ministry of Finance. Details on the new debt measurement framework can be found on page 101, Box 4 of the 2021 Review of the Economy published by the Ministry of Finance using the following link:
Effective September 2021, the Bank commenced the reporting of new debt parameters based on the concept of General Government. Data has been compiled from September 2015.