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Date | Group 3:- Number of Plans Investigated (Actuarial Reports) | Group 3:- Number of Underfunded Plans as a % of Total - Going Concern Basis | Group 3:- Deficit of Underfunded plans as a per cent of Underfunded Plans’ Liabilities | Group 3:- Funding Ratio - Simple Average (%) | Group 3:- Funding Ratio - Weighted Average (%) | Group 3:- Number of Underfunded Plans as a % of Total - Solvency Basis | Group 3:- Solvency Ratio (%) - Simple Average (%) | Group 3:- Per cent of Plans where the actuary recommended an increase in employer’s contribution rate | Group 3:- Interest Rate Assumed as at valuation date - Simple Average (%) | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Interest Rate Actually Earned (%) | Group 3:- Salary Increase Assumed Rate as at valuation date - Simple Average (%) | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Salary Increase Actually Earned (%) | Group 3:- Pension Increase Assumed Rate as at valuation date - Simple Average - Sector (%) | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Pension Increase Actually Earned - Sector (%) | Group 3:- Number of Plans with Pension Increases as a % of Total | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Pension Increase Actually Earned - Plans with Pension Increases (%) | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Employees' Contribution Rate Paid (%) | Group 3:- Three Year Average - Employers' Actual Contribution Rate (%) | Group 3:- Employees' Required Contribution Rate as at valuation date (%) | Group 3:- Employers' Recommended Contribution Rate as at valuation date (%) |