30 January 2015
At its January 2015 meeting, Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) agreed to a third consecutive increase in the ‘Repo’ rate...
27 March 2015
Interest rate hike needed to protect TT economy.
1 June 2015
At its May 2015 meeting, Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee agreed to raise the Repo rate for the fifth consecutive time by 25 basis points to 4 percent.
31 July 2015
At its July 2015 meeting, Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee agreed to raise the Repo rate for the sixth consecutive time by 25 basis points to 4.25 percent.
25 September 2015
Central Bank Raises Repo Rate by 25 Basis Points...
4 December 2015
At its December 2015 meeting, Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) agreed to raise the “Repo” rate by 25 basis points.
27 July 2013
Non-Energy Sector records growth, core inflation remains stable: Central Bank maintains Repo Rate at 2.75 per cent
29 June 2013
Central Bank Maintains Repo Rate at 2.75 per cent
25 May 2013
Inflation slows to 5.5 per cent in April: Central Bank maintains Repo Rate at 2.75 per cent
24 March 2016
Central Bank maintains Repo Rate at 4.75 per cent