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Date | Total Number of Co-branded (with LINX) Debit Cards in Use | Total Number of Internationally Branded Debit Cards in Use | Total Number of Prepaid Debit Cards in Use | Total Debit Card ATM Withdrawals Volume | Total Debit Card ATM Withdrawals Value ($TTM) | Total Debit Card POS Transactions Volume | Total Debit Card POS Transactions Value ($TTM) |
n.d. = No data.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
POS (Point Of Sale)
Volume and Value of ATM and POS transactions are estimates
Number of cards in use represents the annual average
As at September 2017, data published for the period 2012 and onward represent actual industry data. Prior to September 2017, data previously reported were estimates which are not comparable to the now published actual data due to methodological differences.